The main take
away from Love Does is- love is a
verb. Why are we so often content with love that never moves from feeling to
action? If it crosses my mind to take my
neighbor some of the meal I cooked, I might think twice about it, wondering
what they’d think. In this world of you
get what you deserve, where does unearned grace have a place? When is it okay to show the kind of over the
top bold love that God has for us? Seems
Bob Goff would say every day we should show bold sunset-over-the-ocean kind of
love. Matching Bob’s big love is his
humility and sense of humor. When I saw that Love Does went on the New York Times Bestseller list, I was so
excited as all of the profits from the book go to a nonprofit called Restore
International which “finds audacious ways to restore justice to children and
help the poorest of poor.” Five out of Five hearts.
More info
on Bob Goff @
A quote from the book, "There's a passage in the Bible that says people who haven't met Jesus are going to think the people who have met Jesus are crazy. I get that look sometimes, and its usually from people who don't have a lot of creativity or haven't experienced whimsy.. The people who slowly became typical have the greatest problem wrapping their minds around a dynamic friendship with an invisible, alive God. There's nothing wrong with being typical, I guess, but there is nothing fundamentally right about it either. I've never read in Genesis that God created "typical" and called it good. Instead, I think men who were bored made up typical and called it, if not good, at least acceptable. People who follow Jesus, though, are no longer typical--God is constantly inviting them into a life that moves away from typical. Even if they have normal jobs, live in normal houses, and drive normal cars, they're just not the same anymore. The ones Jesus first picked to follow Him started out typical, to be sure. They were unschooled and ordinary. Fishermen, business people, blind people, loose women, rip-offs, and vagrants. They were..folks who had been injured in life and patched together with gum and leaves and grace. But..what Christ-followers lack in velocity, they make up for in intensity. They are people who have experienced an intensely intimate friendship with Jesus and move forward with and intensity to parallel that experience."
A quote from the book, "There's a passage in the Bible that says people who haven't met Jesus are going to think the people who have met Jesus are crazy. I get that look sometimes, and its usually from people who don't have a lot of creativity or haven't experienced whimsy.. The people who slowly became typical have the greatest problem wrapping their minds around a dynamic friendship with an invisible, alive God. There's nothing wrong with being typical, I guess, but there is nothing fundamentally right about it either. I've never read in Genesis that God created "typical" and called it good. Instead, I think men who were bored made up typical and called it, if not good, at least acceptable. People who follow Jesus, though, are no longer typical--God is constantly inviting them into a life that moves away from typical. Even if they have normal jobs, live in normal houses, and drive normal cars, they're just not the same anymore. The ones Jesus first picked to follow Him started out typical, to be sure. They were unschooled and ordinary. Fishermen, business people, blind people, loose women, rip-offs, and vagrants. They were..folks who had been injured in life and patched together with gum and leaves and grace. But..what Christ-followers lack in velocity, they make up for in intensity. They are people who have experienced an intensely intimate friendship with Jesus and move forward with and intensity to parallel that experience."
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